Thursday, February 19, 2009

Old Yeller by Fred Gipson ISBN 0060115459

Old Yeller by Fred Gipson, ISBN 0060115459

Young Travis faces a test of manhood when his heroic dog is bitten by a mad wolf...When a novel like Huckleberry Finn, or The Yearling, comes along it defies customary adjectives because of the intensity of the respouse it evokes in the reader. Such a book, we submit, is Old Yeller; to read this eloIquently simple story of a boy and his dog in the Texas hill country is an unforgettable and deeply moving experience.

The big, ugly, yellow dog showed up out of nowhere one night and stole a whole side of hanging pork, and when Travis went for him the next morning that dog started yelling like a baby before he was touched. Then he got into the spring water with five-year-old Arliss, Travis took an easy hate to Old Yeller, as they started to call him; in fact, he would have driven him off or killed him if it hadn't been for brother Arliss' loud and violent protests, So Yeller stayed, and Travis soon found he couldn't have got along without him.

Pa and Ma and Travis and Arliss lived on Birdsong Creek in the Texas hill country. It wasn't an easy life, but they had a snug cabin that Pa had built himself, and they had their own hogs and their own cattle, and they grew most of what else they needed. The only thing they and the rest of the settlers lacked that year in the late 1860's was cash, so the men decided to get together and drive all the cattle up to the new market in Abilene, Kansas, more than six hundred miles away.

Travis was only fourteen, but he was proud of his new role as man of the family and determined to live up to his responsibility. It was hard work, too, plowing until his legs ached, chopping wood until his hands were raw and his head was spinning, weeding the garden in the hot sun, toting the heavy buckets tip from the spring, and trying to keep hismischievous little brother in line.... Click here or on the image for details

Featured Review:
Folks Widescreen
By lini-porcellini

Storkcraft - Sandra Crib, Cognac

Storkcraft - Sandra Crib, CognacStorkcraft - Sandra Crib, Cognac  $126.98

  • One-hand, lift-and-drop hardware system
  • Three adjustable mattress heights
  • Dual hooded wheel casters
  • Constructed of solid hardwoods
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    Friday, February 13, 2009

    Cliffhanger Special Edition

    Cliffhanger (Special Edition)

    Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow, Michael Rooker, Janine Turner and Ralph Waite star in this high-altitude avalanche of action....Sarah was an inexperienced climber. She trusted Gabe to rescue her. But something went wrong high above the valley floor...Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow, Michael Rooker, Janine Turner and Ralph Waite star in this high-altitude avalanche of action: a non-stop adventure peak with suspense and capped with heart-quaking terror. For Rocky Mountain Rescue, the mission is almost routine: locate five climbers. With the woman he loves (Turner) and his best friend (Rooker), Gabe Walker (Stallone) braves the icy peaks only to discover that the distress call is really a trap set by merciless international terrorist Eric Qualen (Lithgow). Now millions of dollars and their own lives hang in the balance. Against explosive firepower, bitter cold, and dizzying heights, Walker must outwit Qualen in a deadly game of hide-and-seek.

    Scene Selection.

    A Personal Introduction from Renny Harlin, Director Renny Harlin & Sylvester Stallone Audio Commentary, Technical Crew Audio Commentary, Making-Of Featurette: Stallone on the Rock, Animated Menus, Deleted Scenes, Director Commentary, Documentary, Photo Gallery, Production Notes, Storyboard Comparisons, Talent Files, Trailers, Weblinks, Digitally Mastered Video.... Click here or on the image for details

    Featured Review:
    Hate Crime Widescreen
    By valentine-tidings

    Golds Gym 1.75 CHP Treadmill

    Golds Gym 1.75 CHP TreadmillGolds Gym 1.75 CHP Treadmill  $547.00

  • Adjustable incline
  • Personal trainer, user memory programs
  • Cusioning minimizes joint impact
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    Saturday, February 7, 2009

    Martin And Orloff Widescreen

    Martin And Orloff (Widescreen)

    Martin And Orloff (Widescreen)...Martin Flam (Ian Roberts) is an advertising designer just released from the looney bin after a failed suicide attempt. But when Martin makes an appointment with psychotherapist Dr. Orloff (Matt Walsh), he's thrust into an insane spree of saucey spare ribs, hardcore softball, double dates with strippers, bad dinner theater, worse bathroom habits, doomed Bonfire Girls and much more. Will Orloff ever really conduct a session? Will Martin reveal the shocking secret behind 'The Egg Roll Incident? And even if Martin doesn't try to kill himself again, will Orloff finish the job for him?.

    Alternate Ending, Audio Commentary, Blooper Reel, Deleted Scenes, Director Commentary, Original Theatrical Trailer, Writer Commentary.... Click here or on the image for details

    Featured Review:
    Buster Widescreen
    By maria-sophiano

    Evenflo - Aura Elite Travel System, Once Upon A Time

    Evenflo - Aura Elite Travel System, Once Upon A TimeEvenflo - Aura Elite Travel System, Once Upon A Time  $148.00

    The Aura Elite travel system is packed with comfort for baby and convenience for you.
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